Governing Body
General Admin
(ESS) Therapists
School Principals

L, Van Niekerk
(Acting Principal 2024 to Date)

L, Mathews
(Principal 1996 – 2003)

T, du Preez
(Principal (2003 – 2023)

L, Heath
(Founder & Principal (1980 – 1995)
Governing Body
General Admin
(ESS) Therapists
School Governing Body

Bob, Yearham

Ian, Gould
(Vice Chairman)

Jacqui, Hill

Lizette, Van Niekerk
(Acting Principal)

Madeleine, Van Baalen
(Teacher Representative / HS)

Delyse, Ras
(Acting Teacher Representative / PS)

Anelle, Gunter
(Parent Representative)

Renaldo, Joubert
(Finance Officer)

Tumi, Tlhabanelo
(Parent Representative)

Raymond, Vd Berg
(Parent Representative)

Lourika, Goodburn
(Parent Representative)

S, Olivier
(Parent Representative)

H, Erasmus
(Parent Representative)

Al, Zoya
(Parent Representative)

D, Bezuidenhout

Anneke Otto

Dirk Human
Governing Body
General Admin
(ESS) Therapists

R, Joubert
(Finance Administration)

S, Erasmus
(Finance Administration)

Z , Von Holtzhausen
(Finance Administration)

D, Diesel
(Finance Administration)

L, Neethling
(Secretary to the Principal)

M, Legodi

E, Bothma
(ESS Administrator)

L, Ras
(Transport Admin & Secretary -PS)

D, Barnard
(Secretary to HS)

E, Snyman
(High School Secretary)

F, Gillmer
(General & Hospitality Admin)

R, Van Wyngaardt
(Clothing Bank & Welfare Admin)

J, Von Holtzhausen
(IT Manager)

T, McGowan
(Photocopy Administrator)

G, Waterston
(General Administrator)
Governing Body
General Admin
(ESS) Therapists
General Administrators

F, Gillmer
(GA Administrator – Manager)

O, Mahuwane
(GA Administrator – Supervisor)

P, Tovela
(GA Administrator – Supervisor)

P, Sitole
(General Assistant – Grounds)

T, Mokoena
(General Assistant – Grounds)

M, Lukhele
(General Assistant – Grounds)

B, Khumalo
(General Assistant – Grounds)

A, Dlamini
(General Assistant – Grounds)

K, Mokoena
(General Assistant – Grounds)

S, Chalunda
(General Assistant – Grounds)

C, Munhame
(General Assistant – Grounds)

G, Waterston

K, Hlabanela
(General Assistant – Grounds)

J, Ndarimani
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

G, Mokoena
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

N, Segoale
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

M, Hlatshwayo
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

N, Mbobe
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

E, Makola
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

M, Sihoyiya
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

C, Radebe
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

S, Mokoena
(General Assistant – Cleaning)

J, Nyantave
(General Assistant – Grounds)
Governing Body
General Admin
(ESS) Therapists

L, Ras
(Transport Administrator)

N, Gillmer
(Fleet Administrator)

M, Adams

S, Jeacocks

J, Wynkwardt

J, Nkoe

W, Mdlalosi

C, Pieterse

H, Pieterse

D, Barnard

L, Segopiso

J, Miles

F, Morgan

W, January

L, Perry

A, Ismail

D, Gordon

K, Bezuidenhout

M, Moses

R, Pretorius

C, Vos
Governing Body
General Admin
(ESS) Therapists
(ESS) Therapists

C, Stone
(Social Worker)

M, Moses

M, Terblanche
(Counselor: Learner Support)

Dr. Erasmus

S, Ganasen
(Intern Psychologist)

M, Diesel
(Life Coach/Kids – Remedial Teacher)

M, Muller
(Registered Nurse)

R, Stoltz
(Registered Nurse)

R, van Lingen
(Occupational Therapist HOD)

A, Damons
(Occupational Therapist)

A, Grotius
(Occupational Therapist)

B, Vieira
(Occupational Therapist)

C, Holtshousen
(Occupational Therapist)

C, Rossouw
(Occupational Therapist)

C, Smith
(Occupational Therapist)

J, Vaughan
(Occupational Therapist)

M, Szigethy
(Occupational Therapist)

B, Baker
(Speech Therapist HOD)

C, Oosthuizen
(Speech Therapist)

C, Parrott
(Speech Therapist)

L, du Preez
(Speech Therapist)

M, Omar
(Speech Therapist)

S, de Oliveira
(Speech Therapist)

S, Pieterse
(Speech Therapist)

S, Venter
(Speech Therapist HOD)

T, Vorster
(Speech Therapist)

Financial Newsletter
At the Annual General Meeting held on 26 October 2023, a resolution was adopted that School of Achievement will be a “School Fee School” in 2024. We are under obligation to renew this resolution annually at the Annual General Meeting. The following fee structures were also approved:
Bus Fare 2024
You are reminded about the content of the kombi/bus policy.
Bus Fare Structure 2024
The same principle applies in 2023 as in 2021, where learners will only be permitted to make use of school transport if the parents complete a debit order form.
School Fee Structure
Should the School Fees be paid in full for the year by 28 February 2023, a 10% discount of R1 100.00 will be allowed.
NB: Please note that if the amount is paid by credit/debit card in the office, the total discount is only R550, due to a 5% service fee.
You are urged to make use of the debit order system offered by the school for school fees (optional) and bus fare (compulsory).
Debit orders that have been returned three times by the bank as unpaid, will automatically be cancelled without any further notice.
School’s Banking Details
Bank: ABSA
Branch Name: Wadeville
Branch Code: 513542
Account Number: 10 11 11 1358
Account Type: Current
Reference: Name and Surname of Learner
Our Administration team manages educational institutions, to ensure they operate efficiently and effectively.
School Governing Body
General Administrators
L, Van Niekerk (Acting Principal 2024 to Date)
L, Van Niekerk | Acting Deputy Principal
T, du Preez (Principal 2003 - 2023)
T, du Preez | (Principal 2003 – 2023)
L, Mathews (Principal 1996 - 2003)
L, Mathews | Principal 1996 – 2003
L, Heath (Founder & Principal 1980 - 1995)
L, Heath | Founder & Principal 1980 – 1995
School Governing Body
School Governing Body
General Administrators

Bob, Yearham | Chairman

Ian, Gould| Vice Chairman

Jacqui, Hill | Treasurer

Lizette, Van Niekerk| Acting Principal

Madeleine, Van Baalen | Teacher Representative – High School

Delyse, Ras| Acting Teacher Representative – Primary School

Anelle, Gunter – Parent Representative

Renaldo, Youbert | Finance Officer

Tumi, Tlhabanelo | Parent Representative

Raymond, Van den Berg | Parent Representative

Lourika, Goodburn | Parent Representative

Sanet, Olivier | Parent Representative

Hester, Erasmus

Al, Zoya

Denzil Bezuidenhout

Anneke Otto

Dirk, Human
School Governing Body
General Administrators

R, Joubert | Finance Administration

S, Erasmus| Finance Administration

Z, Von Holtzhausen | Finance Administration

D, Diesel | Finance Administration

L, Neethling | Secretary to the Principal

M, Legodi | Receptionist

E, Bothma | ESS Administrator

L, Ras | Transport Administrator & Secretary to the Primary School

D, Barnard | Secretary to the High School

E, Snyman | High School Secretary

F, Gillmer | General & Hospitality Administrator

R, Van Wyngaardt | Clothing Bank & Welfare Administration

J, Von Holtzhausen | IT Manager

T, McGowan | Photocopy Administrator

G, Waterston | General Administration
General Administrators – GA’s
School Governing Body
General Administrators

J, Nyantave| General Assistant – Grounds

T, Mokoena | General Assistant – Grounds

M, Lukhele | General Assistant – Grounds

B, Khumalo | General Assistant – Grounds

A, Dlamini | General Assistant – Grounds

K, Mokoena | General Assistant – Grounds

S, Chalunda | General Assistant – Grounds

C, Munhame | General Assistant – Grounds

G, Waterston | Driver

K, Hlabanela | General Assistant – Grounds

J, Ndarimani | General Assistant – Cleaning

G, Mokoena | General Assistant – Cleaning

N, Segoale | General Assistant – Cleaning

M, Hlatshwayo | General Assistant – Cleaning

N, Mbobe | General Assistant – Cleaning

E, Mokoena | General Assistant – Cleaning

M, Sihoyiya | General Assistant – Cleaning

C, Radebe | General Assistant – Cleaning

S, Mokoena | General Assistant – Cleaning

P, Sitole | General Assistant – Grounds

F, Gillmer | GA Administrator – Manager

O, Mahuwane| GA Administrator – Supervisor

P, Tovela | GA Administrator – Supervisor
School Governing Body
General Administrators

S, Jeacocks

J, Wynkwardt

J, Nkoe

W, Mdlalosi

C, Pieterse

H, Pieterse

D, Barnard

L, Segopiso

J, Miles

F, Morgan

W, January

L, Perry

A, Ismail

D, Gordon

K, Bezuidenhout

M, Moses

R, Pretorius

M, Adams

L, Ras | Transport Administrator

D, Bezuidenhout | Fleet Administrator

C, Vos

c/o Bloemhof Street & Heidelberg Road, Elspark, Gauteng
school hours
M-F: 7:00 – 17:00